FTD Blueprint Modification Tool

From the Depths Blueprint Modification Tool

This tool is longer maintained. Please use the updated version at

To start, click on the button below and choose a blueprint file.
Latest version of FTD when last updated: v1.9514 and V1.952
Requires HTML5

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*These numbers are based on saved values in the blueprint, and might not be accurate especially after block modification.

Block Modifications
Make changes to specific blocks. You can restrict the changes to blocks painted a certain color

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Convert Wood:
Convert Alloy:
Convert Metal:
Convert Glass:
Convert Stone:
Convert Lead:

*Modify all shield color changers - R: G: B: Alpha:
* Only affect shields with shield color changers. Limits: R, G, B between 0 and 1, Alpha between 0.10 and 10.

Paint main vehicle to

Restrict block modifications to blocks colored:

Vehicle Modification Tools
Changes are applied to the whole vehicle.

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Highlight AI, ACB, PID blocks on main vehicle (will overwrite paint settings)
Randomize colors on main vehicle (will overwrite paint settings)

Delete all blocks except Wood/Alloy/Metal/Glass/Stone/Lead.
Cut the blueprint in half! Only left side remains!   Split position:
Replace the right side with a mirrored copy of the left!   Split position:   Even width?
Attach a mirrored copy of the vehicle on the right!   Even width?
Split the vehicle apart!   Distance:   Split position:
Replace old armor blocks! (e.g. 1m and 2m left,right,and up slopes)

Turn blueprint into a vehicle (Invalid blocks on a vehicle will be deleted!)
Turn blueprint into a Structure (Invalid blocks on a structure will be deleted!)

Rotate vehicle:
Mirror vehicle laterally (flip left and right sides)

DeBeamify. Turns Wood/Alloy/Metal/Glass/Stone/Lead 4m beams and diagonal slopes into 1m blocks and slopes.
Beamify. Turns Wood/Alloy/Metal/Glass/Stone/Lead 1m blocks and slopes into 4m beams and diagonal slopes.
Beamify using an optimization algorithm. Slower but will fit in more beams. It can take up to a few minutes for large unbeamed vehicles.

Blueprint not downloading?

Copy and paste the following into a new .blueprint file!

1 comment:

  1. Zyonix, your people need you, please update this tool! PLEASE!
